About this blog

This Blog is named after an ancient gnoseological riddle which hints hidden, disseminated, omnipresent wisdom.
I invite you to search, listen and observe with me for "the word of tree, whisper of stone, and humming together of the abyss and stars."


Advent podcasts

In Advent 2019 I prepared with Peter Rinaldi these podcasts (Part of our ReligioSanity channel - We primarily upload to SoundCloud but our podcasts can be found also on Apple Podcast and other platforms.)
We always closed ourselves in the Rutgers Presbyterian Library and chatted about Advent and Christmas traditions but mainly about biblical and theological conundrums and provocative questions swirling about these preeminent religious holidays.

Sane Christmas 1 - St. Nicholas Day
Sane Christmas 2 - How Jesus Was Born In Bethlehem
(40 Years After His Crucifixion)
Sane Christmas 3- Delicately Talking About Mary's Virginity
Sane Christmas 4 - How Mary Became A Virgin Again
Sane Christmas 5 - Protoevangelium of James (Part 1)
Sane Christmas 6 - Protoevangelium of James(Part 2)
Sane Christmas 7- The Infancy Gospel Of Thomas

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