About this blog
This Blog is named after an ancient gnoseological riddle which hints hidden, disseminated, omnipresent wisdom.
I invite you to search, listen and observe with me for "the word of tree, whisper of stone, and humming together of the abyss and stars."
In Praise of Silence
This Sunday, the third in lent, will be about the gift of silence.
My granddaughter reminded me recently what a great gift it really is!
We were playing with rattles and learning how to crawl and then it was about the time to take a nap.
After such a flurry of activity that was not easy. I carried her on my arms, sang her Czech and Hawaiians lullabies, even one which I made up myself years ago for my children.
Her eyes were getting narrower and narrower, with few inevitable reverses of course.
At last, the narrowest chinks closed and her eyelashes merged and locked followed with a little twitch in her legs. My grand-baby was finally asleep, breathing deeply.
Time to put her in her day crib. Here she is surrounded with some of her toys - a crescent and stars. Shhhh. Silence is indeed a great divine gift!
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